These images are of the Old and New West. Click on an image to see the detail page with the story behind the work.
Remember, this site is an E-Gallery, not a store. If you see an object that interests you, contact me.
Thanks, Paul

16 x 25 Gothic Windmill
The natural stress marks on the board conjure up of a storm brewing on the prairie sweeping towards…
The natural stress marks on the board conjure up of a storm brewing on the prairie sweeping towards…

17 x 24 Longhorn
I found this image and knew many folks would enjoy it. Also, a longhorn image lends itself to rough…
I found this image and knew many folks would enjoy it. Also, a longhorn image lends itself to rough…

16 x 25 Lonesome Cowboy
At 1 inch thick white oak slab, this is a slab of wood. When I look at this image I wonder…
At 1 inch thick white oak slab, this is a slab of wood. When I look at this image I wonder…

10 x 14 Ghost Horses
A friend of mine had seen some of my other work in aluminum and suggested trying a profile…
A friend of mine had seen some of my other work in aluminum and suggested trying a profile…

16 x 20 Free Spirit
This project started with the concept of a stylized horse in a black oval in my brain. Where does this stuff come from?…
This project started with the concept of a stylized horse in a black oval in my brain. Where does this stuff come from?…

16 x 20 Draw
This project is a great example of the use of different materials for different effects. The cedar is…
This project is a great example of the use of different materials for different effects. The cedar is…