18 x 12

This image captures the awakening of the Balrog in the LOTR first volume in the chapter called “Journey in the Dark”. I still remember the terror, in my heart, as my mother read the chapter. The fellowship of nine is traveling through Moria. Long abandoned by the dwarfs, it is now filled with Orcs and other evil creatures. After walking miles through the mines, one of the companion hobbits, Pippin is seized by a pointless urge to drop a stone down a seemingly bottomless well. And in so doing, awakens a great evil which was lurking in the depths.

A strong cautionary tale to any hapless boy who surrenders to pointless mischievous actions. I hear you Mom.

This cutting is an image is a PAB original.

This image is cut from 1 3/8 inch walnut board backed with black paper. Due to the thickness of the board, I applied son router work to the edge.