16 x 16

I have never seen a pattern I did not want to change.
This pattern, by Fiona Kingdon, was in the Spring edition of SSWC. I like the busyness of it and that the leafs look to be oak leafs and not a generic leafy shape. However, I found the eyes hard to identify. I did not know if it was because they are looking up or the extra cut work at the bridge of the nose. In any case, a couple of hours work with my raster graphics tool and my version of the Kingdon pattern.
It could be my changes make this green man more human like and less of a tree spirit. I will try to pay close attention to this detail the next time I see a green man.

This cutting is an image from F. Kingdon. I have full permission to duplicate it.

This image is cut from 1/4 inch maple inlay to 1/4 oak and backed with paper.