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19 x 24
This image is cut from 1/4 inch board inlay to a second board over handmade paper.
A mighty female warrior strides into a forest glade ready to repel all who would defile the forest. As a kid, my mom read the Tolkien books. It was wonderful. I found this image buried back in some derelict pages of the web and it reminded me of those stories.
The backing paper was a little wisdom on my part. We went to the paper store and looked out half a dozen papers. I move the cut work from one to the next. I was not wild about this green paper but both my wife and the clerk loved it. I know wood and I am always willing to accept a little help on the other elements of the piece.
This cutting is based on an image from C. Dearing. I have the full permission to create this art from the image.
Estimated price in as of January 2023 is $225, estimated delivery is eight weeks. Please note: these images reflect a custom frame which may no longer be available.