Detailed descriptions below images

10.25 x 10.25
In 2019, stacked images in scroll saw was all the rage. I saw an image of a ‘Rose Window’ and it was stunning but, to me, very busy. The demands on the cutter would be great and the repeated symmetry of the elliptical windows was pretty but so much action.
I re-imagined to pattern as a lotus. Instead of driving the hole all four layers, I changed to depth of ellipse and a quiet lotus rose up to great me.
When I do shows, I often place this stacked lotus near me so the quiet beauty of the piece flows out upon me. Truly, one of my favorite creations.

As with all my work, I used my scroll saw in the construction of the art, no computer guided tools.
This cutting is based on my own design inspired by Alex Fox’s work.
Estimated price in as of January 2023 is $140, estimated delivery is six weeks.