Dear All, I do not usually talk about a project in process as I find talking about it steals away my energy to express it in wood. However, in reworking…
Dear All,I moved to Texas in 2008 and joined the DFW Scrollers group shortly thereafter. We meet once a month to trade tips and encouragement. I have learned tons from…
Dear All,A couple of weeks ago I was designing my latest piece, Artemis: Goddess of the Hunt and the Moon. We were spending spring break with my daughter's family so…
Dear All,I had a request for a piece with a deer in it. There are lots of deer patterns out there to satisfy all taste from naturalist, spiritualist, hunters, to…
Dear All,About 5 years ago, I decided to elevate my scroll saw work to art. With that personal challenge came much smaller margins for error.I was working on a Kenny…
Dear All,Last week I recreated one of my favorite pieces. It is a stylized lotus made from stacked pieces of board. In this piece I have 4 boards. First I…
Dear All,It must have been eight years ago I developed the idea of stacking puzzles. I wanted a toy that was FUN for everyone. Cutting puzzles from 3/4 board can…
Dear All, Funny thing about weather is it is so regional. Cold to a Texan is nothing to the New English. North Texas is in the teens during the day…
Dear All,I have re-created my old website: WWW.GentleHeartHome.comOn it you will find my flat art, other products, and my stories (as a blog.) Now, it is mostly done. There are…
Dear All,Back in the early 90's, I was working as the supervisor of the Data Storage team at an insurance company. I soon coined a phrase: "Back up to your…