Groundhog Day

Dear All,
Back in the early 90’s, I was working as the supervisor of the Data Storage team at an insurance company. I soon coined a phrase: “Back up to your level of pain.” Pithy, I suppose but not what one wants to hear after a cyber disaster.
Well, when I was picking a hosting company, I checked if they had daily back ups and what was the cost. Good thing!
On February 1, I was applying security to resist hackers. I was limping along understanding most (some?) of what they recommended until I got to “Host Salts”. What the heck? I took the recommended options. The screen blinked and my chrome session lost it’s mind.
Foul language followed. I called the data restore folks and we rolled everything back to January 31. I took the rest of the day off from cyber work.
So on February 2, I sat down and recreated the bits I had done on the last two days. I thought about a friend of mine from Maine: Back in the 80’s, before auto-save, a couple of times a year, the light would blink and be followed by the sound of pained programmers. Then a voice would call out: “It’s always better the second time you code it.” He was (and is) right.

Stay save, Stay well
Love to All,