The images below are of a Mythological theme. Click on an image to see the detail page with the story behind the work. Remember, this site is an E-Gallery, not a store. If you see an object that interests you, contact me.
Thanks, Paul
19 x 24 Defender of the Forest
10 x 12 Ball Stuck in a Gravity Hole A fun project! When I work in perspective, I never think I am fooling the viewer into…
17 x 23 Dragon Gate of Orleans This gate only exists in my brain. I have seen lots of dragon images and the gate…
16 x 12 Sweet Dreams in Blue I love this sweet image. I decided to cut it for a Mother Day’s show which was postponed in the year of Corona virus…
17 x 14 Ready for Flight The delicate nature of the neck and kneecap of this piece gave me fits…
16 x 16 Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt and the Moon When I started researching Artemis, I often saw her with her hunting dog…
16 x 16 Leaf Green Man This leafy green man perfectly celebrates the handmade paper…
12 x 16 Ent Contemplation I am now cutting this piece out of slabs. The pictured one is framed inlay.
17 x 14 Hubble Backed – Ready for Flight This image is cut from veneer with a star scape from the NASA library behind it.
16 x 16 Green Man Green man images are new to me. Apparently, this concept has been…
16 x 12 I loved this sweet image and decided to cut it for a Mother’s Day show. Which was postponed in the year of Corona virus..
19 x 13 The Huntress I saw this image and liked it. But, the face of the lady just did not…