Hope in a Time of Corona Virus Part II

Dear All,
Two shots, two weeks and hooray!
My personal journey though tis time of Corona virus has been uneventful. I do know folks who have died as a result of the virus and my heart goes out to their loved ones. But for me, my overwhelming concern was I would contract the virus, be hospitalized, and live. (Yes, even at 60-something years, I believe I am invincible.) But a long term hospitalization would wreck my finances. To me, the vaccine is the silver bullet and I am grateful and relieved to reduce my risk of infection.

But my celebration is muted… Their are still many of my fellow citizens still at risk. I will continue to wear my mask to stand in solidarity with those waiting in the vaccination queue. And as I said two months ago: “What can we really do about Corona virus? Wear your mask, place yourself in the path of good fortune, be polite, and be patient.” And now I can add: I will stand by All of you until the Corona virus nightmare is over.

Stay save, Stay well
Love to All,